D. possessive adjective + nouns / parts of the body, possessive pronouns.- Possessive adjectives in use at the front of the noun, "possessive adjective" is my, your, her, his, our, Their, and it's, while in use without pronaon possessive noun.Possessive adjectives possessive pronounsa. This is my book this is mineb. This is Your this is yoursc. This Is Her this is hersd. This is His this is hise. This is Our this is oursf. This Is Their this is theirsg. This is it's food no possessive pronoun
No form of possessive pronoun for it. possessive adjective, is also in use with parts of the body. if we already know the parts of the body it belonged to a tertntu or already teridentivikasi, do not use the in this case.Example: Show me your leg
Show me the leg
Her hair hangs down her shoulders
her hair hangs down the shoulder
E. an old friend of + possessive pronoun a / some + noun phrase + of + possessive pronoun phrase we can use the type above to pengguna'n possessive pronoun 'mine, his, hers, Their, our, your.
Example:A: A teacher of mineB: a friend of theirsC: a holiday of hisD: an idea of jenny'sE: a project of yourF: some student of mine
We can also use possessived noun after of. example: a car of Yatno's. a house of caroline's.a. GrammarUndertand. the expianation.Personal pronouns possessive adjectiveI myYou yourHe hisShe herIt it'sWe ourYou yourThey Their
* Singular and plural nouns (singular and plural nouns) *
1) Singular nouns are words single bend. perbeda'n singular noun. perbeda'n singular noun (singular nouns) in English sentences to note, because it affects the work penggguna'n kta (both verb, to be verbs or verb to have)Singular noun in the sentence must use the singular verb, whereas the plural noun should use a plural verb.Example:• This car is expensive = ni expensive cars (plural car, wear is)• These are expensive cars = cars = expensive cars ni (plural car wearing acres)
2) Plural nouns plural adalh bneda said. on umum.a in bnetuk noun plural by adding-s or-es to the singular noun denngan some exceptions.
a) By adding-s to the singular noun.Singular plural meaningBamboo bamboo bamboosDoor doors doorsHand hands handsSchool schools schools
b) by adding-es if the noun ends tunngal letter-s,-x,-z,-ch,-and sh:Singular plural meaningAss asses assBus buses or busesClass grade classesGlass glasses glasses
c) By adding-es, if the noun ends stump-o letters:Singular plural meaningHeroer hero heroNegroes nigger niggersTomato Tomatoes TomatoPotato potatoes potatoes
Note:There are some nouns that end in the letters o, that shape jamak.a both in-s or es:
Tunngal plural meaning
Calico calicos / porticoes calico raw kaimoriPartico particos / a colonnaded portico Parti-poleMosquito mosqu ITOs / Mosquitoes mosquitoes
However, Hannya by adding-s only if the singular noun ends in the letters oo,-io,-oe. Or-yo, and a few words ending in-o bneda which preceded by a consonant (MTI letter below).:
Tunngal plural meaning
Bamboo bamboo bamboosCukco similar cukcos night hawk
Folios folio folios
d) By adding y to i and add-es. if-y in preceded by a consonant:Singular plural * * * * * meaning *Boy boys boysKey lock keysDey deys day
Note:Nouns ending in-auy jamak.a formation by changing-y to-i and add-on ice., Since au (kw) is considered as a double consonant like, coloquy, coloquies (seminar discussion).
e) With the change-f or-fe to Ves.:Singular plural * * * * * meaning *Caif caifves calfKnife blade knifesSheife sheifes board.
No form of possessive pronoun for it. possessive adjective, is also in use with parts of the body. if we already know the parts of the body it belonged to a tertntu or already teridentivikasi, do not use the in this case.Example: Show me your leg
Show me the leg
Her hair hangs down her shoulders
her hair hangs down the shoulder
E. an old friend of + possessive pronoun a / some + noun phrase + of + possessive pronoun phrase we can use the type above to pengguna'n possessive pronoun 'mine, his, hers, Their, our, your.
Example:A: A teacher of mineB: a friend of theirsC: a holiday of hisD: an idea of jenny'sE: a project of yourF: some student of mine
We can also use possessived noun after of. example: a car of Yatno's. a house of caroline's.a. GrammarUndertand. the expianation.Personal pronouns possessive adjectiveI myYou yourHe hisShe herIt it'sWe ourYou yourThey Their
* Singular and plural nouns (singular and plural nouns) *
1) Singular nouns are words single bend. perbeda'n singular noun. perbeda'n singular noun (singular nouns) in English sentences to note, because it affects the work penggguna'n kta (both verb, to be verbs or verb to have)Singular noun in the sentence must use the singular verb, whereas the plural noun should use a plural verb.Example:• This car is expensive = ni expensive cars (plural car, wear is)• These are expensive cars = cars = expensive cars ni (plural car wearing acres)
2) Plural nouns plural adalh bneda said. on umum.a in bnetuk noun plural by adding-s or-es to the singular noun denngan some exceptions.
a) By adding-s to the singular noun.Singular plural meaningBamboo bamboo bamboosDoor doors doorsHand hands handsSchool schools schools
b) by adding-es if the noun ends tunngal letter-s,-x,-z,-ch,-and sh:Singular plural meaningAss asses assBus buses or busesClass grade classesGlass glasses glasses
c) By adding-es, if the noun ends stump-o letters:Singular plural meaningHeroer hero heroNegroes nigger niggersTomato Tomatoes TomatoPotato potatoes potatoes
Note:There are some nouns that end in the letters o, that shape jamak.a both in-s or es:
Tunngal plural meaning
Calico calicos / porticoes calico raw kaimoriPartico particos / a colonnaded portico Parti-poleMosquito mosqu ITOs / Mosquitoes mosquitoes
However, Hannya by adding-s only if the singular noun ends in the letters oo,-io,-oe. Or-yo, and a few words ending in-o bneda which preceded by a consonant (MTI letter below).:
Tunngal plural meaning
Bamboo bamboo bamboosCukco similar cukcos night hawk
Folios folio folios
d) By adding y to i and add-es. if-y in preceded by a consonant:Singular plural * * * * * meaning *Boy boys boysKey lock keysDey deys day
Note:Nouns ending in-auy jamak.a formation by changing-y to-i and add-on ice., Since au (kw) is considered as a double consonant like, coloquy, coloquies (seminar discussion).
e) With the change-f or-fe to Ves.:Singular plural * * * * * meaning *Caif caifves calfKnife blade knifesSheife sheifes board.
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